May 6, 2024

The newest advancement regenerative aesthetics has to offer

The newest advancement regenerative aesthetics has to offer

Exosomes train your cells to behave as if they were younger– which makes you look that way.

Exosomes are lipid nanoparticles that get secreted by cells. The cells in your body naturally create exosomes as a way to communicate with one another and to help regulate biological processes.

In addition to the exosomes your body creates naturally, exosomes can also be applied topically in order to dramatically enhance the results of clinical anti-aging treatments. These topically applied exosomes communicate with the cells in your body by producing biosignals.

The biosignals the topical exosomes create instruct your cells to naturally:

Increase Skin Firmness

Reduce Redness

Improve Skin Texture & Tone

Decrease in General Signs of Aging

A first of its kind, AnteAGE MDX® Bisome Solution is is a synthetic, highly concentrated treatment  solution(25 Billion Biosomes) for topical use in combination with microneedling, radiofrequency, laser, and other ablative treatments.

These “Three R’s”(Repair, Restore, Rebuild) that drive the philosophy, research and production of AnteAGE products,  illustrate why stem cell-derived growth factors and exosomes-biosomes are the cornerstones of regenerative medicine. These ingredients are naturally occurring in our body and decrease in percentage as we age, making our native cells less adept at regulating communication, inflammation and repairing resources. The more we increase the amount of these byproducts in our skin, the better our skin can regulate the signs of aging you see visually - aka the skin struggles we fight with everyday such as texture, hyperpigmentation and wrinkling - and the better it can respond to external environmental factors such as harsh temperatures, sunlight, inflammation, and toxins.

Based in Irvine, California, AnteAGE’s team is regularly published in scientific journals, awarded for groundbreaking results, and sought after for their expertise by Fortune 100 healthcare companies. AnteAGE’s mission is to provide powerful regenerative anti-aging products through sound evidence-based technologies. AnteAGE scientists pioneered the use of human bone marrow stem cell technology in aesthetics and dermatology fields. AnteAGE are committed to leveraging the power of stem cell growth factors and cytokines to deliver safe, effective, and luxurious skincare products that promote aesthetic health.

May 6, 2024
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The newest advancement regenerative aesthetics has to offer

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